Understanding Airspace Classes: A Comprehensive Guide

Airspace Classes and Special Use

So, what exactly is airspace? The FAA identifies two categories of airspace: regulatory and non-regulatory. Within these, all airspace is either controlled, uncontrolled, special use, or other. Pilots must be aware of the various types of airspace to ensure safe flight. For example, to enter some airspace, government agencies require you to have a security clearance. However, it’s not that simple! Pilots should check NOTAMs for changes regarding access to airspaces. For example, when the President of the United States is flying, airspace becomes restricted. Pilots must recognize the various types of airspace. Here, Captain Judy Rice shares her experiences from her world flight with various types of airspace and issues that can arise. Topics at a Glance: Part 1: … Read more

Understanding Aviation Approaches: Expert Tips for Pilots

Flight Approaches

Captain Judy’s Corner: Technological Historical Approach Looking from the Citation jet cockpit, Charles de Gaulle international airport (CDG) was off our right wingtip. The city of Paris was off our left wing. Le Bourget airport (LFPB) was directly ahead. The stunning view took our breath away. We anticipated stepping back in time as we approached this famous airport. Le Bourget conjured up images of 1927 with a lanky, tousle-haired Charles Lindbergh climbing down from his gray monoplane having just completed his historic nonstop flight from New York City to Paris. We were about to make a technological historic approach. Coming into Paris As we approached LFPB, we could have been on any instrument landing system (ILS) in the world with exceptions based on … Read more

The Need for Speed

Citation Mustang flown by Captain Judy Rice

Above: Captain Judy Rice stands next to the Citation Mustang in which she broke a world speed record. Captain Judy’s Corner: The Need for Speed Going for a world record! An aircraft speed record is no small thing. As the Citation approached Kangerlussuaq, Greenland (BGSF), I queried the Air Traffic Controller about their readiness as officiators for my Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI), National Aeronautic Association (NAA) World Record Attempt. The controller responded, “Affirmative.” After landing, two airport officials assured the jet was fueled before giving a friendly wave as I taxied to the runway hold lines. After that, ATC cleared us direct to Reykjavik. In a heavy Danish accent, the air traffic controller remarked, “The clock is ready for your record-breaker, N178SF!” Kangerlussuaq, … Read more

The Importance of Visas

Importance of Visas

Captain Judy’s Corner: The Importance of Visas for Pilots “I did what I could, and it’s out of my control…” I’d been asleep about two hours before being awakened by the call. We had a long day and an early departure in the morning for Saudi Arabia. “I did what he could, and it’s out of my control,” said the heavily accented voice on the other end of the call. Our landing permit was denied due to a visa issue, according to our caller. What happens when you don’t have a visa? The Saudi Arabia Visa office had now denied our entry for the third time. I was in the United States for the first two denials, allowing time to … Read more

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