IACRA Made Simple: How It Helps Streamline FAA Applications

What is IACRA

What is IACRA, and why is it important to pilots? IACRA stands for: Integrated Airman Certification and Rating Application. The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) in in charge of pilot license applications and oversees the process. This is to make sure pilots meet all requirements. It is a web-based system where pilots can apply, monitor, and obtain their certifications and ratings. Pilot training is more than flying. Pilots also have to learn the rules, regulations, and procedures that govern flight and pilot credentials. How does IACRA work? IACRA FAA offers a progression of pilot certificates or licenses. They begin with the student pilot and including subsequent licenses and ratings. For example, they include private pilot license and commercial pilot license. Each … Read more

Captain Judy’s Corner: The Importance of Visas for Pilots

Importance of Visas

“I did what I could, and it’s out of my control…” I’d been asleep about two hours before being awakened by the call. We had a long day and an early departure in the morning for Saudi Arabia. “I did what he could, and it’s out of my control,” said the heavily accented voice on the other end of the call. Our landing permit was denied due to a visa issue, according to our caller. What happens when you don’t have a visa? The Saudi Arabia visa office had now denied our entry for the third time. I was in the United States for the first two denials, allowing time to visit the Embassy and locate Prince Sultan. And now, … Read more

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