Captain Judy’s Corner: Aeromedical & Motion Sickness

Motion Sickness Aeromedical Conditions

“I alerted my aerobatic instructor…” My earliest memory of riding in a car was leaning out the window for fresh air and positioning my head carefully into a brown paper bag while my stomach was churning. My parents reassured that eventually I would outgrow these queasy moments. At a very young age, I learned to avoid looking down, such as looking at picture books, if I were inside a moving vehicle. I also always had water, sat next to a window, and if all of these precautions did not work, then the brown paper bag was nearby. Can flying a plane cause motion sickness? My first experiences as a student pilot produced similar airsick results. I would do my best … Read more

Captain Judy’s Corner: Pilot Technology and Problem-Solving

Captain Judy Rice Madrid

Madrid, Spain: Captain Judy Rice with Madrid students “Our fuel stop was forecasting ceilings (clouds) at the lowest landing minimums and a slow moving line of thunderstorms…” Pilots rely on technology and problem-solving skills. My crew met me in the lobby for a quick cup of coffee before checking weather and then pre-flighting the Citation. We had our flight plan on file from our departure: Regina, Canada (CYQR) to Churchill, Canada (CYYQ) for a fuel stop, and then to Iqaluit, Canada (CYFB). This would be our final destination on our second night of this world flight voyage. Our fuel stop was forecasting ceilings (clouds) at the lowest landing minimums. There was a slow-moving line of thunderstorms while our destination was … Read more

Captain Judy’s Corner: The Importance of Visas for Pilots

Importance of Visas

“I did what I could, and it’s out of my control…” I’d been asleep about two hours before being awakened by the call. We had a long day and an early departure in the morning for Saudi Arabia. “I did what he could, and it’s out of my control,” said the heavily accented voice on the other end of the call. Our landing permit was denied due to a visa issue, according to our caller. What happens when you don’t have a visa? The Saudi Arabia visa office had now denied our entry for the third time. I was in the United States for the first two denials, allowing time to visit the Embassy and locate Prince Sultan. And now, … Read more

Shared Goals, Shared Knowledge, and Mutual Respect

Shared Goals and Knowledge

“Citation N178SF, do you need assistance?” The Sakhalinsk air traffic controller gave us a straight-out departure on Runway 19. I was flying left seat, and my first officer, Edwin, was busy with communications. I had almost thawed from the biting Russian cold. The Citation climbed effortlessly at 3,000 feet per minute. As we climbed through solid gray clouds, the advanced avionics technology displayed on our glass cockpit went blank! Both displays were totally dark, leaving us with no instruments or navigation aids. We were in the ‘soup,’ surrounded by clouds, and with total instrument failure. I looked at the back-up steam gauges. Edwin and I looked at each other for a moment in disbelief. Then he alerted air traffic controllers of … Read more

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