Epic Red Tails In The Sky

Epic Red Tail Project

Safety First “Aircraft on final for runway 9, winds favor runway 27. Red Grumman departing runway 27.”  Over 25 years ago, and I still vividly recall the departure at this Class G, uncontrolled airport. The incoming white aircraft never acknowledged my radio call.  Every year, runway incursions, traffic conflicts, mid-air collisions, and near misses occur. The FAA FAST Team reports an average of 30 mid-air collisions in the United States each year. Mid-air collisions are generally reported below 8,000 feet AGL, within 30 miles of an airport, and involving aircraft with communication equipment.  Radios are not required equipment in Class E, Class G, or at uncontrolled airports. The FAA advises playing it safe and making radio calls if equipped. The … Read more

Epic Buzz Vol. 5 Issue 8 | August 2022

Epic Buzz Newsletter August-2022

Epic staff attends EAA AirVenture, student accomplishments, specials, first time passes, and more! Volume 5, Issue 8 | August 2022 Epic Team Attends EAA AirVenture Oshkosh Why are these guys smiling? Because they’re representing Epic at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh. L-R: Tyren Wilson, Mike Thompson, and Brock Rees made the rounds to visit with our aviation partners, alumni, and future students. If you’ve never been to Oshkosh, mark your calendar for next year! There’s nothing like it. New Flight Students Welcome to our newest class of Epic pilots! These flight students arrived last month and are already making great strides in their flight training. Epic trains pilots from all around the U.S. and more than 80 countries. We’d love to welcome … Read more

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