Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison

Commercial Airline Pilot Salary

Epic Flight Academy students put in a lot of effort to become airline pilots. They make connections while at flight school that will stay with them throughout their careers. But the real question is… how much will they earn? How much is an airline pilot’s salary? Pilot pay varies for many reasons, such as the airline and years of service, with the average salary over $200,000 in 2024. People choose an airline pilot career for a variety of reasons, first and foremost being their love of flying. However, with the growing demand for commercial airline pilots worldwide, airline pilots’ salaries are an excellent reason to consider an aviation career. Have you have been thinking about becoming a pilot, but you’re … Read more

Types of Pilot Licenses: From Part-Time Hobby to Lifetime Career and Everything In Between

You want to become a pilot, but did you know the FAA issues different types of pilot licenses? These vary by classifications, ratings, and various regulations. Depending on your pilot license and ratings, you will be licensed to fly different types of aircraft. Above all, you can even fly for commercial airlines as a paid professional certified pilot. Whether you’re an international student or American student, you just have to decide which pilot license meets your needs. Therefore, you need to think about your pilot goals. What is a pilot license? In simple terms, a pilot’s license, or pilot certificate, allows a person to be able to fly an aircraft. This is similar to a driver’s license allowing you to … Read more

Ready for Attitude Flying?

Avoid Hazardous Attitudes

Captain Judy’s Corner: Avoid Hazardous Flying Attitudes Is it important to verify checkpoints? Hazardous flying attitudes can occur at any time. I knew myself fairly well when I started flying lessons at age 40. Or so I thought. The long solo cross-country was when I discovered what I did not know. During that flight, I had not properly timed or verified checkpoints resulting in becoming completely off-course. My drive home from this particular flight provided reflection on how to be a better pilot. I’d replayed each skill set. I flew the airplane well and used the checklist regularly but was consistently lost. What surprised me was how many times I said to myself, “That check point is only slightly off … Read more

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