FAQ Category: Aircraft Mechanics
Are student loans available for Aircraft Mechanic School?
- Are there scholarships for Aircraft Mechanics?
- Can aircraft mechanic training transfer as college credit?
- Can aircraft mechanics work on helicopters?
- Can females become aircraft mechanics?
Can I use my aircraft mechanic training in other careers?
- Can I work in Canada with my aircraft mechanic training?
- Can international students train as aircraft mechanics?
- Can veterans train as mechanics under the GI Bill (R)?
- Do aircraft mechanics make good money?
- Do students work on real airplanes?
- Does Epic have aircraft mechanic partners for employment opportunities?
- Does Epic provide job interviews for aircraft mechanics?
- Does my military airframe or powerplant training transfer to Epic?
- How do you become an airplane mechanic?
- How does the FEAM Program work?
- How long does it take to become an aircraft mechanic?
- How much can I make as an aircraft mechanic?
- How much does it cost to go to aircraft mechanic school?
- Is Epic Flight Academy approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)?
- Is there a minimum number of hours to train?
- Is there an age cut-off for mechanic training?
- What are the requirements for Aircraft Mechanic School?
- What certificate will I earn in the aircraft mechanic program?
- What college programs does Epic offer?
- What credentials do instructors have?
- What if I own my own tools?
- What is a Part 147 aircraft mechanic school?
- What is an A&P mechanic?
- What is an AMT?
- What is the cost of the M1 visa?
- What kinds of aircraft will I work on?
- What tools will I receive in the aircraft mechanic program?
- What topics do aircraft mechanics learn?
- When do mechanic classes start?