How do you become an airplane mechanic?

FAQ » » How do you become an airplane mechanic?

To become an FAA-certified aircraft mechanic, you must be 18 years old by the completion of your program. Also, you must have passed all FAA exams with a Designated Mechanic Examiner (DME). Find out if you’re eligible for the program at Epic Flight Academy, which includes these five courses as required by the FAA:

  • Course 1: Aviation Maintenance General Technician
  • Course 2: Aviation Maintenance Airframe Technician 1
  • Course 3: Aviation Maintenance Airframe Technician 2
  • Course 4: Aviation Maintenance Powerplant Technician 1
  • Course 5: Aviation Maintenance Powerplant Technician 2
  • Pass three written exams (one for each course) with a score of 70% or higher.
  • Pass practical (hands-on) exam.
  • Pass oral exam.

This career choice offers an excellent salary. You can apply online today to enroll at Epic!

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