Captain Judy’s Corner: One Flight Student’s Recipe for Success in Dealing with an FAA Medical Deferral
In this article, Captain Judy Rice spotlights Epic flight student Bryce Dawson‘s recipe for success in navigating challenges with his FAA medical deferral. Captain Judy interviewed Bryce for this inspirational article about one student’s journey to become a pilot. Combine the following ingredients and adjust for best results: Background December 23,1997, Paul Dawson, risk insurance agent, and Paula Dawson, public school teacher, welcomed their firstborn and named him Bryce. Brother Connor came along 23 months later. The Dawsons raised their children with their same high standards for work ethic, determination, and professionalism. The children knew only these standards. Bryce shared, “My parents were always patience and supportive. Looking back, I now realize that we matured at a younger age.” When the brothers were … Read more