Comprehensive Overview of the Embraer E190

General Information

Manufacturer: Embraer

Role: Narrow-body jet airliner

First flight: March 12, 2004 

Primary airlines: Aeromexico Connect, jetBlue, KLM, Tianjin Airlines

Passenger seating: 96-114

Models:  E170, E175, E190, E195 


  • Two underwing-mounted GE 34-8E-10 turbofan engines
  • One of the most spacious interiors of all single-aisle regional aircraft
  • Cruising speed 870 km/h – 541 mph – 470kts

Fun Facts

  • The company is the third largest manufacturer of airplanes in the world.
  • They are one of the most environmentally green jets in the world.  The aircraft not only meet the Civil Aviation Organization’s requirements for noise and emission controls, they exceed them.
  • Everyone sits by a window or on the aisle. There are no middle seats.
  • Embraer produces one aircraft solely for agricultural work; the Embraer Ipanema Cropduster.
  • Taking its first delivery in 2005, New York-based low-cost carrier JetBlue was the launch customer.

Type Rating

Pilots must earn their type rating in the Embraer E190 to be qualified to fly this aircraft. In most cases, the airline you fly for will get you type-rated.

Are you ready to learn to fly an Embraer E190?

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