I’m going to get my PPL soon from… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Transfer Students I’m going to get my PPL soon from…

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  • #57069 Reply
    Sasiru Nimsara

    I’m going to get my PPL soon from Sri Lanka and I decided to move to USA and get CPL and ATPL and the job also. So I have several questions.

    1) Is my Sri Lankan PPL valid in USA?

    2) How much time I have to spend to finish CPL and ATPL?

    3) How much cost of CPL and ATPL?

    4) Which airlines can I apply from your license?

    #57171 Reply

    We do accept students with previous flight experience. First, you must submit your license to FAA for the verification process. https://epicflightacademy.com/foreign-pilot-license-verification/

    Once verified, you will have your temporary FAA PPL and you can continue your other ratings like IFR and CPL under FAA standards. We can assist you with the foreign license verification process along with any additional training required and cost. Just fill up the prequalification form: https://epicflightacademy.com/prequalification-enrollment/

    We will assign one of our admission team to provide you with the cost and answer if you have further inquiries.

    Most US airline companies do require an FAA license. But to work in the United States, you must have one of the following:

    – A Permanent Resident Card (also known as a Green Card)
    – An Employment Authorization Document (work permit)
    – An employment-related visa that allows you to work for a particular employer

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