I was going to start my training with… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students I was going to start my training with…

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  • #26253
    Mahmoud Prince

    I was going to start my training with another school in Florida, but my student visa was rejected in spite that I have a valid B1/B2 visa. I don’t know if USA can be still a valid option for my training or not.


    We are sorry to hear about the denial of your attempt to process your US visa. We help in processing an M1 visa. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork for your visa and will assist you step by step throughout your process. We have listed pointers that will help you qualify to process your M1 visa. Please check here.

    I would recommend that you connect with one of our recruiters so they can give you suggestions and guide you on what is the best way to process your M1 visa. You can do so by completing this FORM.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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