1-How can i convert my CPL and IR… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Transfer Students 1-How can i convert my CPL and IR…

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  • #64822

    1-How can i convert my CPL and IR in your flight academy in usa (FAA) ?
    2-How much it take time to be a airline pilot for me?
    3-How much it cost?


    Hello Sepehr,

    1. You need to complete a Verification of Authenticity of Foreign License and Medical Certification Form as required by the FAA in order to continue training at Epic. Regardless of the amount of training received outside of the U.S., students may only convert to the maximum of FAA Private Pilot. https://epicflightacademy.com/foreign-pilot-license-verification/

    2. It would take around 4-6 months.

    3. Starting with Instrument Rating up to CPL course: Total Course Tuition $36,410.00 USD

    Thank you for using our forum!


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