Cross Country Flight Planning

Cross Country Flight Planning Training

Captain Judy’s Corner: The Art & Science of Not Getting Lost Cross country flight planning is something every pilot must know. Even though it was 30 years ago, I vividly recall soloing in the Cessna 150. Exhilarating, yet terrifying, describes this memorable day. There was nothing in life that prepared me for the intensity. My flight instructor assured I was ready. I knew I was ready, but I was anxious all the same. Leaving the airport environment on a solo cross country was as exciting and distressing. I prepared, studied the routes, check points, and unfamiliar destination airport environment. Nonetheless, I consistently got lost.  Preparing a Navigation Log What helped me throughout learning cross countries? It was understanding how to … Read more

Epic Buzz Vol. 4 Issue 5 | May 2021

Epic Buzz Newsletter May 2021

Safety Award Winner Announced Congratulations to our Colonel Anthony Perna Safety Award winner, Manuel Diaz. In remembrance of Colonel Anthony Perna, this award recognizes an individual whose dedication to safety is truly exceptional. Colonel Perna’s 30 years of faithful dedication to military aviation stands as a testament to the difference one person can make. Manuel prioritizes safety in the air and on the ground. Before he meets with a new student, he does his research so he knows who he is flying with. His decisions in the airplane always side with caution, and he reports safety deficiencies, when necessary, that contribute to our safety culture here at Epic. Thank you for your efforts, Manuel! The Colonel Anthony Perna Safety Award … Read more

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