Epic Flight Academy Coronavirus – COVID-19 Updates

June 30, 2020
The campus will close this afternoon and remain closed until tomorrow, July 1, at 12 noon for cleaning and sanitation. Upon reopening at noon, we will be requiring anyone inside any of the buildings on campus to be wearing a mask at all times. If you do not have your own mask, we do have them available at dispatch. (Quantity is limited.)
The maintenance building will be restricted to maintenance personnel only. Additionally, anyone who rides the Epic bus will need to have their temperature taken prior to getting on as well as wearing a mask while on the bus.
March 21, 2020
Epic Flight Academy’s campus remains unaffected by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The World Health Organization now describes this situation as a pandemic. We are continually monitoring the CDC, State of Florida, Florida Department of Health and Volusia County to remain abreast of this rapidly changing situation. To keep you safe we have implemented to following actions:
• Effective March 19, 2020, all grounds schools will be conducted virtually online reducing students and staff on campus
• Effective March 20, 2020, all students must have a non-contact temperature reading before entering any Epic facilities.
• Today, March 21, 2020, we placed seating areas in the former maintenance building and in various locations outside. Students were advised to minimize time in dispatch and never gather in groups of more than ten. Students and staff were advised to continue practicing social distancing.
• We continue to schedule with extra time to allow for cleaning of planes and simulators. Please use this time for its intended purposes.
• Effective immediately the Admissions and Accounting staff are working remotely and can only be contacted by phone or email.
Our goal, in all such efforts, is to prevent the spread of the novel 2019 coronavirus (COVID-19) and keep our community as safe as possible. With your help, we will also ensure that all students can successfully complete their course in a timely manner.
Employee Work Options
At this time, many Epic employees are carrying on as usual from their offices but taking extra care to follow U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) health guidelines for proper handwashing and social distancing – which means avoiding group settings and mass gatherings and staying six feet away from others.
In some cases, employees may have a special circumstance that makes the current global health crisis particularly worrisome for them. If you fall into this category, please speak with your supervisor as a first step. For example, older employees, those of any age with underlying health conditions, or those who care for elderly parents may want to speak with their supervisor about the feasibility of teleworking, in keeping with CDC guidance. If this is an option for your position, your supervisor will communicate with Human Resources and then spell out performance expectations.
A number of dedicated Epic employees work in positions that require them to be physically present on campus, which rules out the teleworking option, yet they also may need to prioritize personal health concerns or caregiving responsibilities. To accommodate those members of our community, Epic remains flexible in administering the PTO policy, much as we would during other events such as hurricanes, without worrying about a negative accrual of those benefits at this time.
Keeping Our Community Safe – A Message to Our Staff
To serve students most effectively, all of us who work for Epic must remember to prioritize their own health and wellbeing. Your dedication, hard work, and focus on our students’ academic success is a large part of what makes Epic so special. Please take a moment to consider the following key points about community wellness.
The CDC has pointed out that the best way to avoid getting sick is the obvious one – avoid any close contact with people who are sick:
• Faculty have been instructed to prevent group projects as part of their curriculum. This is consistent with advice to avoid groups of 10 or more people.
• If you have recently been on a cruise ship or in any international region, anywhere in the world, you cannot return to Epic. Before you can return to campus, you will need to self-isolate, off-campus, for 14 days. This rule, based on CDC and U.S. State Department guidance, is intended to protect you, your families and our communities.
• Epic employees or students who are experiencing any signs of illness after traveling should contact a medical provider immediately and refrain from returning to campus. Employees should notifier their supervisor and students should reach out to their course leader. Onboarding international students are being advised they must self-quarantine for fourteen days prior to attending Epic.
These are extraordinary times, and due to the hard work and commitment of our team, Epic is well positioned to face these challenges. Your commitment to Epic allows us to continue to operate, which is crucial to minimize the impact on all employees.
We will comply with all government requirements up to and including closing the operation should it come to that. This situation is unprecedented, and we appreciate your support and pledge to do everything possible to work through this ordeal.
End of update/March 21, 2020
Last updated: March 18, 2020
New Smyrna Beach, FL – Epic Flight Academy will regularly update this notice as warranted regarding COVID-19.
Dear Epic Faculty, Students, and Staff:
We are committed to everyone’s health and safety first and foremost during this difficult time. In the highest interest of safety, we are implementing temporary changes while the COVID-19 virus runs its course. We have endured many obstacles since we started in 1999, and we will endure this one. We are watching what is happening elsewhere in the world and learning from others while following the advice of the CDC and WHO.
Remember to wash your hands, practice social distancing, and keep your immune system healthy by eating healthy, getting plenty of rest, avoiding alcohol, tobacco, vape and other substances, taking vitamins, engaging in healthy exercise, and keeping a positive outlook. Remember: Don’t touch your face, cover your cough and sneeze, and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water.
We will keep you updated on this page. Safety first!
Precautions we’re taking:
Epic has significantly increased time between flights to allow extra time for thorough cleaning and disinfection in all aircraft and simulators.
We are cleaning and disinfecting briefing rooms and classrooms before and after each class/briefing session.
We have created additional clean spaces to maintain social distancing policies: picnic tables, hangar space, etc.
Administrative staff are disinfecting work stations before and after each work day.
If an instructor or student shows any signs of illness, they must leave and not return to campus for 2 weeks when all symptoms have passed. Alternatively, they may provide a note or documentation from a physician stating they are medically cleared to return to work.
All communications that do not warrant person-to-person contact are being conducted electronically.
Instructive reminders for reducing the spread of germs are displayed in prominent positions throughout our campus.
Nonessential staff is working remotely.
All stage age 60 or older are working remotely since this is the most susceptible group.
Students enrolled in and instructors teaching in courses and programs that involve one-on-one instruction and fulfillment of regulatory requirements are given the option to continue one-on-one or take a temporary leave.

Precautions you should take:
The CDC has pointed out that the best way to avoid getting sick is the obvious one – avoid any close contact with people who are sick. This is why practicing social distancing is critical.
Faculty have been instructed to prevent group projects as part of their curriculum. This is consistent with advice to avoid groups of 10 or more people.
If you have recently been on a cruise ship or in any international region, anywhere in the world, you cannot return to Epic. Before you can return to campus, you will need to self-isolate, off-campus, for 14 days. This rule, based on CDC and U.S. State Department guidance, is intended to protect you, your families and our communities.
Epic employees or students who are experiencing any signs of illness after traveling should contact a medical provider immediately and refrain from returning to campus. Employees should notifier their supervisor and students should reach out to their course leader. Onboarding international students must self-quarantine for fourteen days prior to attending Epic.
If you feel sick, do not attend classes or work.
Avoid COVID-19:
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Wash your hands often with soap and hot water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that is 60% alcohol. Do not use cloth towels to dry your hands.
Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Cough or sneeze into your elbow, shirt sleeve, or a tissue (not your hands). Throw used tissues into the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such as your cellphone.
Do not share food, cups, utensils, or other items.
Treat all bodily fluids as potentially infectious.
Eat a well-balanced diet and get adequate sleep.
Avoid tobacco and alcohol to keep your immune system as strong as possible.
Take vitamins and supplements.
Keep a positive attitude while we get through this. It will help!
If you believe you have contracted COVID-19:
You must not return to campus if you believe you have been exposed to the virus, and you must immediately self-quarantine.
Contact a medical provider if you have a fever, respiratory distress, and/or flu-like symptoms.
Check the CDC’s list of symptoms to see if you meet any of them.