FAA Acknowledges Epic’s 100% Pass Rate for FAA Knowledge Exam

August 22, 2019
New Smyrna Beach, FL – Epic Flight Academy Certified Flight Instructor Judith A. Rice has one of the highest Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) Knowledge Exam pass rates in the country. As of August 22, 2019, Captain Rice’s ground school students have had a 100% FAA Knowledge Exam pass rate with an average of 20 students per month as acknowledged by the FAA.
“We are extremely proud of our 100% pass rate and attribute this to Captain Rice’s excellent ground school instruction, hands-on training, and Epic’s overall positive and supportive learning environment,” said founder and CEO Danny Perna. “We don’t take it for granted and recognize that hard work on both sides contributes to this. Our students are focused and dedicated, and our staff is first rate.”
“I teach from the heart,” said Rice. “I once sat in their seat, so I know how they feel and what the stakes are. Sharing personal examples from my own flying career help me teach the concepts they need to understand. Ground school knowledge is the foundation for all future flying, and I take it very seriously. So do our students.”
Training at Epic
Epic Flight Academy has been training commercial airline pilots since 1999. The FAA Knowledge Exam is the first official milestone students must pass on their way to becoming a licensed pilot. Epic also attributes its students’ success to its fleet of new Cessna 172 Skyhawks. Epic chooses to purchase new Cessnas for flight training because of Cessna’s diverse training platform and safety history. “Training in new Skyhawks ensures our students meet current standards of training,” said Perna. “We began with a Cessna 152 in 1999, and we continue to train in these aircraft.”
The Skyhawk platform is the world standard for pilot training and is renowned for offering the best combination of modern features, including the leading Garmin G1000 NXi avionics system with wireless connectivity, a standard angle-of-attack display system, and proven dependability. The 870-pound payload makes it perfect for training multiple students at once.
Once students complete ground school and pass their knowledge test, they move onto practical flight training. Their next milestone is passing the FAA Practical Exam, known as the checkride, to become licensed private pilots.
By 2020, Epic students will be flying 48,000 hours per year, and Epic will be graduating 250 students per year. With 100% of students passing the FAA Knowledge Exam, Epic continues to provide a pipeline of excellent pilots to the airlines.