*When do school start *Can I get a… - Forum Topic

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  • #57141
    Derrick Emma

    *When do school start
    *Can I get a job near the school
    *Is it a boarding courage
    *Do you offer school loan


    *Our pilot courses start every 2nd Monday of each month.
    * Unfortunately, you can’t. Epic Flight Academy can only assist student with M-1 visa which does not allow you to work in USA but only to study full-time.
    * We have housing just 10 minutes away from the campus. Accommodation is $950 per month for a shared room with free transportation. https://youtu.be/Qwu24iKKh4k
    * Unfortunately, scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time. But we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy. Please check here: https://epicflightacademy.com/flight-school-financing-international/
    Best of luck!

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