Right Now my niece is in 11 Th… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School Right Now my niece is in 11 Th…

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  • #42563 Reply

    Right Now my niece is in 11 Th standard studying commerce in seven days in English language however she wants to join as soon as possible aviation epic Acedemy . And for full course how much is fees ? After fees can Acedemey arrange job ? And how many years of this course ?

    #42577 Reply

    Hello Khusi,

    Your niece needs to finish his secondary education before attending our training program.

    Our Aircraft Mechanic tuition is $25,000. We offer scholarships at https://epicflightacademy.com/aviation-scholarship, keeping the tuition as low as possible. Also, Epic has direct partnerships with airlines and other employers who hire our students prior to them completing the program. Please check here for more details: https://epicflightacademy.com/aircraft-mechanic-partners/

    To become a trained aircraft mechanic at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:
    1) Be 18 years old either prior to starting the program OR by the completion of the program.
    2) Speak English proficiently.
    3) Pass an entry-level exam.

    Check your eligibility by completing this form: https://epicflightacademy.com/aircraft-mechanic-application/

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