Please i have been told epic is going… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Please i have been told epic is going…

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  • #62151
    Prince Tod

    Please i have been told epic is going to help me through paperwork to get M1 visa to immigrate to where the campus is located and i want ask how are they going to help me with that because i am currently in my own country and to travel as an international student you need to fill in visa application and some required documents during the visa process before the visa can be approved how epic can help with all that whiles they can be found in nowhere in my country?


    Hello Prince Tod,

    Absolutely! We help in processing an M1 visa. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork for your visa and will assist you step by step throughout your process. In order to start the process, you need to apply to our flight training through this link:

    Thank you for using our forum!

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