nicole has made accommodations available in edgewater - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Living Accommodations nicole has made accommodations available in edgewater

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  • #76584
    Epic Housing

    These accommodations have just become available for an Epic Flight Academy student!

    First name: nicole
    Phone number: +13862625766
    Number of rooms: 1
    City of room(s): edgewater
    Private bath: Yes
    Private entrance: No
    Smoking: No
    Parking: Yes
    Monthly rate: 1,000
    Utilities included: Yes
    Security deposit required: No


    I actually am just starting the program this upcoming Monday, but I just seen this sponsored ad and I have a spare bedroom in the house I just purchased!

    It is a two bedroom two bath house.
    The room available is very large with storage space. Garage access, laundry, large kitchen, the bathroom off of the bedroom would be theirs. it’s a 1,200 sqft house. All of these features are available anytime.
    I have a german shepherd puppy, so I don’t mind pets if they had any.
    I also am a very busy person, so I probably wouldn’t be home much other than to sleep.

    I do prefer the student to be a female as I would be more comfortable with that. But I am still open to either gender if needed.

    [email protected]


    How far is your house from the school? In case if I stay less than a month do you pro rate the cost?


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