It is known that in order to start… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School It is known that in order to start…

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  • #64021
    Gabriel Bonfim

    It is known that in order to start taking one of the licences to work as an aircraft mechanic, the individual must have at least an eligible basic level certificate, right? My query is: Does the institution accept it from abroad or do I have to provide some legalisation in the US? Thanks!


    Hello Gabriel,

    There is no specific eligible basic level certificate requirement needed.

    To become a trained aircraft mechanic at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:

    1) Be 18 years old either prior to starting the program OR by the completion of the program.
    2) Speak English proficiently.
    3) Pass an entry-level exam.

    Finally, you must complete an interview with Epic personnel. (We are screening for determination, ability, and reliability.)

    Check your eligibility by completing this form:

    Thank you for using our forum!

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