isnit possible for students to work while also… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students isnit possible for students to work while also…

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  • #74554

    isnit possible for students to work while also takung thebtraing?


    Hi Frank!

    Unfortunately, that is not possible since Epic Flight Academy can only assist student with M-1 visa which does not allow you to work in USA but only to study full-time.

    Thank you!


    Navigating the intricacies of working with an M-1 visa in the USA can be quite challenging. It’s crucial to ensure compliance with the visa regulations to maintain your status. Consider seeking advice from the designated school official (DSO) at your educational institution or consulting an immigration attorney for accurate and up-to-date information. By the way, if you’re juggling work and studies, a reliable writing service like TrustMyPaper can be a time-saving lifesaver for crafting those essential papers. Good luck with your endeavors!

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