Is apprenticeship a possibility? How much guidance is… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School Is apprenticeship a possibility? How much guidance is…

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    Is apprenticeship a possibility?

    How much guidance is there into employment? Does the school have professional connections? Is it possible to work at the flight school?

    What I really want to do is work as a mechanic while doing flight training at a part 61 pace. Pay as I am able, or trade hours for hours, something like that. I need to learn both sides – flying and aircraft systems – for it all to make sense to me.

    Any information you can provide along these lines is appreciated, thanks.


    Hi Fatehnam!

    Epic Flight Academy can only assist student with M-1 visa which does not allow you to work in USA but only to study full-time. So, once you finish the program, you have a 30-day grace period to return to your country. Many Epic students from outside of the US will return to their home country to seek employment once they have completed their training at Epic Flight Academy.

    Thank you!

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