In my country, girls who wears scarf can’t… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students In my country, girls who wears scarf can’t…

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    In my country, girls who wears scarf can’t enroll in the aviation school because it is related to the military which impose the same issue.
    I wish things are different in the US. I am seeking the pilot training program to become an Astronaut later on. I need at least 1000 hours of flight.
    I know what I want and I am very persistent to realize my dream to go to space. Yet, I don’t want my scarf to be a problem. I hope to get a positive feedback concerning this.
    Thank you.


    Hello Yoy,

    Epic is one of the most diverse training facilities you could ever find. Our staff and students come from all over the world. And wearing a scarf is never a problem here at Epic Flight Academy. We respect and value whatever religion, gender, or color you have!

    When you are ready to get started or just need further details about the training we’re offering, please feel free to complete our prequalification enrollment form:

    Thank you for using our forum!

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