In 2016 I entered the State University of… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students In 2016 I entered the State University of…

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  • #33639
    Valeriy Kostin

    In 2016 I entered the State University of Civil Aviation in St. Petersburg as a foreign student. Below find the major disciplines that I studied on the contract basis:
    Air Navigation
    Air Force DA-40PracticalAerodynamics
    DA-40 Flight Crew Operation Manual
    Air Force Radio Equipment and DA-40RadioEquipment
    Electrical engineering and electronics, etc.
    Trainer operations (approximately 140 hours) included:
    Take off and landing practice
    Is it possible to count the results in these disciplines?
    Thank you for advance!


    Our chief flight instructor will be happy to answer this question for you. Kindly email your specific question at [email protected] and I’ll forward it to our chief flight instructor. Thank you!

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