I know that sir presently in America just… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students I know that sir presently in America just…

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    I know that sir presently in America just because of corona nothing is in control till yet that’s why I am worried also because I know that I can’t join your institution till this corona will be finished forever from the world which is spreaded by china intensionally in all over the world that’s why I have filled december ,2020.i don’t know sir when this worst phase will be over and your institution will be going to open for the students .Otherwise I am willing to join american institute for piloting which is my dream from my childhood.By the way already I have completed my AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE ENGINEEERING AS WELL FROM INDIAN INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL SCIENCE ,Sonari (jamshedpur).ALSO I HAVE CLEARED my DGCA AME LICENCE PAPER -1
    & GENERAL ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE PRACTICE PAPER -2.I am having idea about FAA also not in a large extent but little bit concept is cleared regarding FAA.I had completed my AME LICENCE course in the year 2011.But just because of job crisis in india I had started my carrier as a physics lecturer .Right now I am working as a physics lecturer but now I can afford the fees for piloting that’s why I have decided I will go with my dream.Now it is up to you sir u will select me or not .


    We welcome international students and due to this pandemic, I wanted to let you know for the months of April & May, Epic Flight Academy has been authorized by the FAA to conduct ground school virtually with an FAA instructor. Please watch this quick video for more details. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23ZHfTCj5Lk Thank you!

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