I have ever been to any aviation training,… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Transfer Students I have ever been to any aviation training,…

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  • #50787
    Desperate request

    I have ever been to any aviation training, but it’s my due dream since I was in my primary level of education. Now that I come across such opportunity, I have to try my best very harder until I come to a point where my dream is met.

    I wish for a long time to become a pilot, but nothing could help me afford my dream as I’m always broken finally due to my poor background which I’m inherited since than to this very far.

    I cry every night and day for my desperate desire to cultivate and bear forth fruits for my family, community, and my country as a whole, but it always seem to be domain and stagnant.
    Therefore, Iam seeking a help from any helping and generous heart who could let me out of my broken condition to strive over for better future.

    Thank you

    Kind regards
    Newman John


    We encourage you to evaluate financing options. Once training has started, it’s best not to have any interruptions. Stopping and starting your flight training costs much more in the long run, because your skills and knowledge become dull when you are grounded while saving up funds to fly. It is more cost and time-efficient to have your flight training funds readily available so you can train without interruption.

    Unfortunately, scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time. But we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy. Please check here: https://epicflightacademy.com/flight-school-financing-international/

    Best of luck!

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