I do not have a bachelor’s degree, though… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Domestic Flight School Students I do not have a bachelor’s degree, though…

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    I do not have a bachelor’s degree, though I’ve successfully established a business management career. I come from a long line of pilots and was groomed to start that path right out of high school. Unfortunately at that time I simply wasn’t mature enough to start the career path training necessary.

    Now, I’m a successful business woman, homeowner and mother. Saying I’m now motivated to begin pilot training and licensing is an extreme understatement. I am dedicated and ready to start training ASAP.

    I live in Portland, Oregon and am a single mother.

    Realistically, what would it take me (as a HIGHLY motivated career woman, but also a single mom), to succeed in the course and become a commercial pilot at this time?

    To minimize my 5 year old’s disruption, is there possibility to fly home from FL on ‘weekends’ or time off?

    Basically, (and tansparently!), How can I complete the program while still giving the energy to my daughter that she needs?

    Like I said… I’m motivated. I’m not looking for an easy way out… I’m asking about actual possibilities to make this work…



    That is possible. We offer part-time and full-time training for our Pilot training programs. If you are interested to apply, you may start here: https://epicflightacademy.com/prequalification-enrollment/
    Our recruiter specialist will contact you to discuss information about our part-time training.
    Thank you for using our forum!

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