How many people on average make it through… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Domestic Flight School Students How many people on average make it through…

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  • #73481

    How many people on average make it through the course you guys have, and how many weren’t able to get through.
    If you guys can guarantee that I would get a position with you guys to work with my 1500 hours after I complete classes.
    If there are any scholarships/grants to cut down the cost


    Hello JoeyT,

    FAA Acknowledges Epic’s 100% Pass Rate for FAA Knowledge Exam.

    We have a flight training program that takes you from zero experience directly into an airline career in just 10 months. Total tuition is $66,854 USD.

    Airline Direct Program

    Unfortunately, our this year scholarship is already awarded. But you can check the FAA website for more aviation scholarships available.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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