How do I purchase the books? - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School How do I purchase the books?

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  • #24475

    Hi are the books for aircraft mechanic available to purchase on the website? Was told that classes will be online for this Summer are books available to download or buy as ebooks?


    Hello, Skydiverkyle. The books are available at school to purchase at the moment. We are still working on making it available online just like with our flight training books.


    If I work a full time job and we do the classes online will I still be able to get class work done? I work 11am to 7:30pm on a always changing schedule.


    Hello, Skydiverkyle!

    Apologies for taking a while to get back with you. All our ground school lessons are done online approved by the FAA. You can do it in the comfort of your home or wherever you are as long as you have your computer with you and internet coverage. Please watch this quick video for information about our flight training online that will start on April “this month” and May:

    Thank you!

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