How do airliner engines work?  How often do… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Transfer Students How do airliner engines work?  How often do…

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  • #57076
    Clement Kamwela

    How do airliner engines work?
     How often do you perform maintenance checks on the aircraft, and who does it? …


    We actually offer an Aircraft Mechanic course to train students to become an A & P mechanic licensed. This means that those who are qualified as A&P mechanics are licensed to work on both the external frame (airframe) and engine (powerplant) portions of an aircraft.

    Regarding maintenance on our fleet, Epic’s safety record is second to none and safety is our top priority. We have been recognized and awarded for excellence in safety and out impeccable safety standards. We are a Cessna Service Center, with our own certified technicians who pride themselves on top-notch service and attention to detail. If you walk through our maintenance hanger, you will see Epic planes in for scheduled maintenance, as well as those of private pilots, and other flight schools who use our Cessna Service Center. We pride ourselves on using only new replacement parts when performing maintenance on any of our aircraft.

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