Hello, I have 10 years of experience as… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School Hello, I have 10 years of experience as…

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    I have 10 years of experience as a turboprop and piston engine technician (C-130 Hercules) in the Turkish Air Force. I left my duty in the Turkish Air Force two years ago. I am 32 years old and also have EASA ATP License. I am currently looking for a new career in the USA.

    I need to obtain a valid FAA A&P License to achieve my purpose. During my internet search, I came across your website and A&P course details.

    I have some questions as below:
    1- What are your requirements for international students?
    2- Do you provide F1 USA Visa?
    3- Am I likely to get a scholarship?
    4- Do I have a chance to receive optional hands-on training (OPT) during or after the course?
    5- Do you have any other suggestions for me based on my past work experience and skills?

    I have neither US citizenship nor permanent residence. But I have visited Florida many times and am familiar with the area. I’m interested in your next available course in October.

    I am waiting to hear from you.

    Best Regards.
    Umut Diksac


    Hello Umut,

    You are very welcome to attend our A&P program.
    To become a trained aircraft mechanic at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:
    1) Be 18 years old either prior to starting the program OR by the completion of the program.
    2) Speak English proficiently.
    3) Pass an entry-level exam.

    Check your eligibility by completing this form: https://epicflightacademy.com/aircraft-mechanic-application/

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