Hello, I am a Student Pilot from Arirang… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Hello, I am a Student Pilot from Arirang…

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    Hello, I am a Student Pilot from Arirang Flying School Bangladesh and have completed my PPL and CPL Ground Course from there. My PPL Board Examinations have been completed successfully under Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh (CAAB). I am type rated on Cessna-152 II and have earned my First Solo at 16 hours and 15 minutes. My total flying hours are 17 hours and 15 minutes with this aircraft. I also hold a Class-2 Medical Certificate which is valid till 9th April, 2023. I am interested to join Epic Flight Academy if you kindly provide me the opportunity and further information regarding admission procedure. I would like to know if I am given the opportunity then will I be able to complete my training from the point I have earned and will my flying hours recorded in the log book be counted? Thank you for your time and consideration. If you kindly approve then please do let me know I would gladly send all the required scanned documents.


    Hello Omer,

    Thank you for that information.
    Since you have flight experience and current pilot license, kindly complete this form so the Epic Flight Academy’s recruitment team can follow up with you: https://epicflightacademy.com/prequalification-enrollment/

    Thank you for using our forum!

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