Good Day, I am currently pursuing an Associate… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Good Day, I am currently pursuing an Associate…

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  • #46915

    Good Day,

    I am currently pursuing an Associate course Electrical Engineering at University in Guyana, S.A;
    I am in my second year and my GPA score so far is 3.2 – I am hoping to continue to obtain my degree and hopefully my master’s. My first preference however has always been an aeronautical engineer but the cost is very expensive! Your ad is very tempting – Is there any way I can obtain a scholarship internationally to study in the field of aviation?
    Thank you.


    Unfortunately, scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time. But we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy. Please check here:

    Best of luck!

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