Does trining availability in virginia too ? How… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Aircraft Mechanic School Does trining availability in virginia too ? How…

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  • #63017 Reply

    Does trining availability in virginia too ?
    How much is the cost of trining?
    How long does it take?
    You guys giving certifaction?

    #63026 Reply

    Unfortunately, the training for our Aircraft Mechanic program will take place at New Smyrna Beach, Florida campus only.
    Our Aircraft Mechanic tuition is $31,195 (5 courses, books, tools, materials, and 3 FAA written exams). The training will take approximately 19 months to complete:
    You will earn an FAA mechanic certificate with either an Airframe or Powerplant rating, or both, upon completion of all courses. This is known as an Aircraft & Powerplant (A&P) Certificate.
    Thank you for using our forum!

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