Do I need any ielts score ? And… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Do I need any ielts score ? And…

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  • #39377
    Prito Sarker

    Do I need any ielts score ? And Do you offer part time job opertunity?


    Hello Prito,

    No, you do not need to submit IELTS results in order to attend our training.
    Also, it’s impossible to work here during the course of your training since you will be traveling with an M1 (study only) visa.

    Thank you for using our forum!


    ELTS Listening test (30 minutes)
    You should pay attention to four accounts and afterward answer the inquiries posed.
    IELTS Reading test
    (an hour)
    The IELTS Reading test expects you to address 40 inquiries and is intended to test you on a variety of understanding abilities. You would need to peruse for significance, principle thoughts, subtleties, coherent contentions, skimming, and sorting out the journalists’ mentalities, feelings and goals. To learn IELTS one should opt for IELTS training in Pune.
    IELTS Writing test (an hour)
    The IELTS composing test expects you to follow through with two responsibilities and covers subjects of general interest dependent on the module you are taking.
    IELTS Speaking Test (11-14 minutes)
    The IELTS Speaking test surveys your communication in English abilities.

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