Can you help me be realistic about Private Pilot training? - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Pilot Training Can you help me be realistic about Private Pilot training?

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  • #35237

    Hello everyone! I have found out that a college in my area recently added a private pilot certification program and a career track program. This is perfect because my G.I. Bill will cover the programs. My main concerns are my ability to gain my ground school completion, FAA exam completion, and possibly getting my PPL before I enter the school.
    What makes the problem complicated is that I am still on active duty and I am a full-time recruiter. My only time for flight hours would be on weekends. I am trying to find out if it would be feasible to try and accomplish a PPL with a schedule like this.
    I am a little less than two years from getting out of the service. My plans are to knock out as much of the classroom-style work I can before I get out. I did purchase an online ground school and have begun studying the materials. I am working on setting up a simulator to practice at home as much as I could.
    There are so many of you with great experience and I am want to take your wisdom into account to ensure I am training properly and giving my all to make this happen.
    Thank you!


    I really like the information you share. Thanks to that, I know many more interesting and useful things.

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