Are there medical and housing services for international… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Are there medical and housing services for international…

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  • #66159
    Br J

    Are there medical and housing services for international students?
    Are there different language courses for students who wish to broaden the number of languages they know?
    What sports activities are present at the academy?


    There are medical health centers in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
    We have housing just 10 minutes away from the campus. Accommodation is $800 per month for a shared room with free transportation.
    We require students to speak, write and understand English to qualify and if the student is already in the US then we recommend taking English courses to enhance their skills.
    We frequently host Student & Staff Appreciation events. Celebrating friendship over food is something everyone looks forward to, and we often schedule games and other fun activities.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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