1. I’m a working employee as of now,… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students 1. I’m a working employee as of now,…

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  • #78702

    1. I’m a working employee as of now, I have few loans on my head already so if I have to start my dream career now which pilot I will have to again take loan so I want to know if I will get a part time job along with training if yes what’s the package?

    2. I want to know if accommodation is provided to it’s best?

    3. All safety is taken care until we are there for training?


    Hello Naaz,

    1. I’m a working employee as of now, I have few loans on my head already so if I have to start my dream career now which pilot I will have to again take loan so I want to know if I will get a part time job along with training if yes what’s the package?

    – Unfortunately, no. You will be traveling with an M1 (study only) visa. It will not allow you to do any work in the United States during your stay.

    2. I want to know if accommodation is provided to it’s best?

    – We have housing just 10 minutes away from the campus. Accommodation is $800 per month for a shared room with free transportation. However, availability is limited. You will need to speak with your recruiter about the availability of housing depending on the start date you have chosen.

    3. All safety is taken care until we are there for training?

    – We work hard to make sure your training is safe, efficient, and cost effective. We put safety above all else!

    Thank you for using our forum!

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