KEVB (New Smyrna Beach, Florida) Air Traffic Control
Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a pilot’s best friend. This page is tuned to ATC for KEVB, which is Epic’s airport in New Smyrna Beach, Florida. Here you can stream live audio feeds, hear ATIS recordings, see the area map, get runway information, and find radio navigation guides. This service is free. The FAA record also exists on Click the play button to listen in.
Please allow the feed a few seconds to preload.
You can see the New Smyrna Beach tower (center) behind these Epic aircraft.
Understanding ATC
ATC exists to monitor flights and keep pilots, crew, and passengers safe. They do this through the air traffic control radar beacon system (ATCRBS). The chatter you hear on ATC is anything but. All conversations are restricted to essential information. When contacting ground, approach, or departure, pilots must know how to be concise. Whether you’re flying into LAX, JFK or an airport with no tower, follow the protocol.
Aviation English and Air Traffic Control
If you are an international flight student and worried about understanding communication from air traffic controllers, we encourage you to listen to this live ATC broadcast every day. Controllers often abbreviate their speech and use a great deal of aviation terminology. Many of our flight students listen to ATC before arriving on campus just to become familiar with it.
We include this advice and many more suggestions on our Aviation English page, which includes 5 tips on improving your English. You can also listen to a recording of actual conversations in various archives.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) oversees ATC. Air traffic controllers guide tens of thousands of aircraft daily in the United States. They serve the busiest airports and smaller regional airports in all types of airspace. They report interacting with 45,000+ flights carrying some 3 million passengers daily. Safety is their #1 priority, just as it is here at Epic. The U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) covers 29 million square miles.
Controllers have a high stress job. As a pilot, you must pay attention, listen closely, and respond promptly. When you’re not flying, practice listening to ATC here.