Dear Epic, I hope you are well and… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums After Pilot Training/Career Dear Epic, I hope you are well and…

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  • #74236
    Vivek Gohil

    Dear Epic,

    I hope you are well and that the skies are clear for flying and the airstrip is fit for landing. My name is Vivek Bhavesh Gohil. I am a 17-year-old student from Tanzania, currently finishing my PPL in South Africa in December 2023. I will have obtained an ICOA PPL license before the end of 2023 and currently hold 35 hours of dual flight hours and 10 hours of solo. I also attend the United World College East Africa, Arusha Campus, and am currently enrolled in the International Baccalaureate system.

    I am outgoing and adventurous. I have been passionate about flying since the time I was pointing and shouting at airplanes in the sky in the hope that they’d hear me and getting fed airplanes in my high chair. I also play golf for the Tanzanian national team and love the sport.

    As a young pilot in training, I am writing to explore opportunities within your College of Aviation to further my ongoing ambition to become a commercial pilot. I am halfway through the Diploma program and just started my 2nd semester in Diploma 2. I am currently finishing my PPL in South Africa and looking ahead to develop my training in aviation through your college.

    I understand that your institution can provide me with the training I need to become a commercial airline pilot and a rated instructor. After looking through your website there are a few questions that I would like to ask.

    Could you please outline the post-graduation requirements and job opportunities available for international students, such as myself, at your college?

    What various scholarship opportunities and financial aid options are offered for international students attending your institution?

    Can you elaborate on your approach to facilitating financial aid for international students, and what steps should one take to avail these resources?

    Is a recommendation letter necessary as part of the application process for international students?

    Could you provide insights into the enrollment requirements for international students at your college?

    What are your deadlines for applications for international students if any?

    Are there specific exams, like the SAT, Common App, or essays, that international students need to take to fulfill the prerequisites for enrollment at your college or university?
    Where and how do I get to your application in order for me to enroll in your college and what is required?

    I am interested in pursuing the following aviation courses:
    Instrument Rating
    Night Rating
    Commercial Pilot License (CPL)
    Multi-Engine Ratings
    Instructor’s Rating
    Potentially, an Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL) as well.

    I have several additional inquiries and would greatly appreciate the opportunity to engage in a more detailed conversation with one of your institution’s representatives. A potential Zoom meeting would be highly beneficial, allowing us to delve into the available opportunities, discuss associated costs, and gain a clearer understanding of the application process. Your assistance in providing comprehensive information will be pivotal in guiding my decisions and ensuring a well-informed approach to any potential involvement with your institution.

    I look forward to your reply and thank you for your time and consideration.

    Have a good day.

    Kind regards,

    Vivek Bhavesh Gohil.


    Hello Vivek,

    Could you please outline the post-graduation requirements and job opportunities available for international students, such as myself, at your college?
    – Hiring is ultimately up to the efforts of the individual. Many Epic students from outside of the US will return to their home country to seek employment once they have completed their pilot training at Epic Flight Academy. Every airline has its own set of hiring requirements, and we encourage our students to review a particular airline’s hiring requirements before applying for a First Officer or Captain position.

    Here is an article on hiring requirements for airlines around the world:

    What various scholarship opportunities and financial aid options are offered for international students attending your institution?
    – Unfortunately, scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time. But we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy. Please check here:

    Can you elaborate on your approach to facilitating financial aid for international students, and what steps should one take to avail these resources?
    – You must have readily available funding for your pilot training since scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time.

    Is a recommendation letter necessary as part of the application process for international students?
    – No recommendation letter required to join.

    Could you provide insights into the enrollment requirements for international students at your college?
    – To become a trained airline pilot at Epic Flight Academy in New Smyrna Beach, Florida, USA you must:
    1) Be at least 17 years of age
    2) Speak English proficiently
    3) International students must have a valid passport (Passport information: or two other forms of identification if you are from the USA
    4) Completed high school or secondary education (Grades don’t matter, only that you completed school.)

    What are your deadlines for applications for international students if any?
    – You can start anytime since our pilot courses start every second Monday of each month. If you’re interested to apply, you may start here:

    However, if you currently hold an ICAO PPL. The first step you should take is to convert your PPL to FAA you can find more information on that here . You will have to retake IR and CPL here.

    Once being verified, you will have your FAA PPL and you can continue your other ratings like IFR and CPL under FAA standards.

    Thank you for using our forum!

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