Can you help me be realistic about Private Pilot training? - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums Pilot Training Can you help me be realistic about Private Pilot training?

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  • #35237

    Hello everyone! I have found out that a college in my area recently added a private pilot certification program and a career track program. This is perfect because my G.I. Bill will cover the programs. My main concerns are my ability to gain my ground school completion, FAA exam completion, and possibly getting my PPL before I enter the school.
    What makes the problem complicated is that I am still on active duty and I am a full-time recruiter. My only time for flight hours would be on weekends. I am trying to find out if it would be feasible to try and accomplish a PPL with a schedule like this.
    I am a little less than two years from getting out of the service. My plans are to knock out as much of the classroom-style work I can before I get out. I did purchase an online ground school and have begun studying the materials. I am working on setting up a simulator to practice at home as much as I could.
    There are so many of you with great experience and I am want to take your wisdom into account to ensure I am training properly and giving my all to make this happen.
    Thank you!


    Dearly Beloved One,

    It is a great privilege and honor as you read this message, i don`t want you to feel sorry for me because i believe everyone will die someday, my name is Mariam Hana from USA, i am a merchant and a Cocoa Exporter from West African Country and North African Country to United State of America, i am 58 years old, I am suffering from a long time cancer of the breast which has affected my talking & hearing lately. The cancer has reached a critical stage, so my doctors have courageously advised me to indulge in Prayers as
    well because it is clear that I would not live past the next two to three months. I was raised in an orphanage Home, and was married to my late husband for twenty years without a child.
    My husband and I are true Christians so after his death I decided not to re-marry, he died in a fatal motor accident which I know is political motivated because of his venture in the new oil industry. I sold all my inherited belongings and deposited all the sum of (2. 8 million Dollars ) two million eight hundred thousand dollars with a Bank. Presently, the money is still with the bank, and I received a letter from the management of the holding bank as the real depositor urging me to come forward to receive the money after keeping it for such a long or rather issue a letter of approval or power of attorney to somebody to receive it on my behalf or the management will confiscate the funds.
    I have decided to give alms to charity organizations, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth so far, I have distributed money to some charity organizations in the U.A.E, India and Malaysia. Now that my health has deteriorated so badly, I cannot do this myself anymore. I once asked members of my family to close one of my accounts and distribute the money which I have there to charity organization in Bulgaria and India, they refused and kept the money
    to themselves.

    Hence, I do not trust them anymore,as they seem not to be contended with what I have left for them. The last of my money which no one knows of it is the huge cash deposit in a bank , Frankly, I cannot handle things on my self as a result of my illness; I’m with my laptop in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment. I have since lost my ability to talk and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see that this money is invested in any Charitable Organization of your choice as soon as I receive your reply I shall use the little money I have for my drugs and Medi-care to procure and issue you a letter of authority which will prove that you
    are the new beneficiary of my funds and I shall release the contact of the Bank to you.

    Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I stated herein. I hope to hear from you soonest if you are willing to handle this project.

    Awaiting your urgent reply as soon as possible to my hospital private Email
    [email protected]
    Yours in pain
    Mariam Hana.


    hello .. I can’t advise anything, but thanks for your comment, you helped me because I was interested in a similar question .. about making money in college. and it is written very sincerely and in detail


    I really like the information you share. Thanks to that, I know many more interesting and useful things.


    My main problem now is health. Lately my stomach has been hurting a lot and I’m thinking about going to the doctor. But now I’ve decided to take Gundry MD Bio Complete 3, which I read about here . I don’t think of dietary supplements as cures for all diseases, but it’s a fact that this supplement has improved my condition.


    By combining effective time management, dedicated study, focused practice, and reliable guidance, you can work towards achieving your private pilot certification within your constraints of being on active duty retro bowl and having limited weekend availability. Stay motivated, stay focused, and enjoy the journey towards becoming a certified pilot!

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