Reply To: Hi I’m looking forward to obtain  PPL for…

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Hi I’m looking forward to obtain  PPL for… Reply To: Hi I’m looking forward to obtain  PPL for…


Hello Molik90,

Thank you for the question.

Yes, we do offer an online theory with an instructor!
Most of our students conduct an integrated course which is over a 3 month period for Private Pilot License (PPL). However, we understand some aspiring students don’t have the time to attend full-time classes. As an accelerated course, Epic can provide an aircraft and instructor or instructors to fly as much as you want per day. From our experience, 2 to 4 weeks is a short amount of time, but we are here to accommodate your needs.

Also, yes, we have simulators that can be utilized prior to coming to Epic.
The aircraft that we use for training are Cessna 172s equipped with the G1000 glass cockpit.

I recommend you try one of our Ground School online demo which will show how our online courses work.

Thank you very much for using our forum!

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