Once Upon a Time: Filing a Flight Plan

Captain Judy Rice

Captain Judy Rice found the ICAO International Flight Plan form beneficial during her world flight. This fairy tale began long before the FAA announcement for change to the form used by United States pilots when filing a flight plan. The purpose of a flight plan might be compared to going on a long drive to visit a relative. You let your relative know the overall anticipated travel arrangements, and you include approximate time of arrival. An overdue arrival would likely cause concern, and your relative will likely call you to make sure you’re alright. A flight plan is much like having your relative on the other end of your destination. What is the history of filing a flight plan? Long … Read more

Epic Buzz Vol. 2 Issue 8 | August 2019

Epic Newsletter August 2019

Catch up on the latest happenings at Epic Flight Academy!   Volume 2, Issue 8                                                                   August 2019   Scholarship Recipient Ryan Groel Earns CPL Ryan Groel (left), pictured with FAA Examiner Steven Clegg, was an Epic scholarship recipient in 2017. Just 7 weeks after graduating high school, Ryan passed his CPL checkride. Read about Ryan’s flight training here.   MORE EPIC NEWS… -Epic was featured in the news for its expansion of operations during its 20th year of operations. -Epic CFI Alex Orr has been nominated for NCAA … Read more

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