Start Your Aviation Career by Getting Your High School Equivalency

Pilots Must Have a Diploma or High School Equivalency
Flight students must have a high school diploma or a high school equivalency.

What is a high school equivalency?

A high school equivalency is a certification that is officially accepted as equal to a high school diploma. Students earn this by passing a special exam. The exam tests knowledge and skills at the level expected of a high school graduate. The most common high school equivalency exams in the U.S. include the General Educational Development (GED), High School Equivalency Test (HiSET), and Test Assessing Secondary Completion (TASC). Flight students must provide either a high school diploma or a high school equivalency certificate.

Are there high school equivalencies for international students?

Yes, different countries make provisions for high school equivalency. International flight students must submit their high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate to a credential evaluation service. These services authenticate a student’s credentials so they may begin flight training.

Which credential evaluation services does Epic accept?

The following organizations are members of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services. Epic accepts high school evaluations from any of these:

High School Diploma and Equivalency

What are the high school diplomas from other countries?

  • AFGHANISTAN / Baccaluria
  • ARGENTINA / Bachiller especializado
  • AUSTRALIA / Senior Secondary School Certificate of Education (also called Year 12 Certificate or Senior Certificate or Higher School Certificate), issued by the appropriate State or Territory Department of Education
  • AUSTRIA / Maturity Certificate (Reifezeugnis)
  • BAHAMAS / General Certificate of Education in at least three Advanced “A” Levels following completion of the Bahamas General Certificate of Secondary Education
  • BAHRAIN / Tawjahiya (Secondary School Leaving Certificate)
  • BANGLADESH / Higher Secondary Certificate
  • BELGIUM / Certificate of Higher Secondary Education (Certificat d’Enseignement Secondaire Superiéur/Getuigschrift van Hoger Secundair Onderwijs)
  • BELIZE / Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) or the General Certificate of Education in at least three Advanced “A” Levels, following the completion of the Caribbean Examinations Council Secondary Education Certificate and Diploma
  • BOLIVIA / Bachiller or Bachiller en Humanidades
  • BRAZIL / Diploma/Certificado de Ensino Médio
  • CANADA (ALBERTA) / Advanced High School Diploma
  • CANADA (BRITISH COLUMBIA) / Secondary School Graduation Diploma (Dogwood Diploma)
  • CANADA (MANITOBA) / Manitoba High School Diploma
  • CANADA (NEW BRUNSWICK) / New Brunswick High School Graduation Diploma
  • CANADA /(NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR) / High School Graduation Diploma
  • CANADA (NORTHWEST TERRITORIES) / Territory High School Graduation Diploma
  • CANADA (NOVA SCOTIA) / Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma
  • CANADA (ONTARIO) / Ontario Secondary School Diploma
  • CANADA (PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND) / Senior Secondary School Diploma
  • CANADA (QUEBEC) / Diploma of College Studies/Diplome d’Etudes Collegiales (DCS/DEC), pre-university track, following the completion of the Secondary School Diploma/Diplome d’Etudes
  • CANADA (SASKATCHEWAN) / Secondary School Diploma
  • CANADA (YUKON) / High School Diploma
  • CHILE / Licencia de Educación Media (academic)
  • CHINA, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC / Senior High School Graduation Certificate (i.e., Redbook)
  • COLOMBIA / Bachillerato
  • COSTA RICA / Diploma de Conclusion de estudios de educacion diversificado o Bachillerato
  • CYPRUS / Apolyterion or Lise Diplomasi
  • CZECH REPUBLIC / Maturity Certificate
  • DENMARK / Studentereksamen
  • ECUADOR / Bachillerato en Humanidades/Ciencias
  • EGYPT / Thanaweya a` Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate)
  • EL SALVADOR / Bachiller/Bachillerato General or Diploma of Upper Secondary School
  • ETHIOPIA / Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE)
  • FINLAND / Lukion päästötodistus / Dismissionsbetyg (Upper Secondary Completion Certificate)
  • FRANCE / Baccalaureat
  • GERMANY / Abitur (Certificate of General University Maturity)
  • GHANA / Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE)
  • GREECE / Apolyterion Eniaiou Lykeiou
  • GUATEMALA / Bachiller en ciencias y letras
  • HONDURAS / Bachillerato
  • HONG KONG / HKDSE Certificate
  • HUNGARY / Érettségi Bizonyítvány (Maturity Certificate)
  • ICELAND / Studentspróf
  • INDIA / Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) or Senior Secondary Certificate
  • IRAN / Pre-University (Peesh-daneshgahii)
  • IRELAND / Ardteistiméireacht (Leaving Certificate)
  • ISRAEL / Teudat Bagrut
  • ITALY / Diploma di Maturita / Diploma di Esame di Stato
  • JAMAICA / CAPE (Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination) in at least 3 two-unit courses/subjects
  • JAPAN / Upper Secondary School Leaving Certificate
  • JORDAN / General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi)
  • KENYA / Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
  • KOREA / High School Graduation Certificate
  • KUWAIT / General Secondary Education Cert. (Shahadat Al-Thanawia Al A’ama)
  • MALAYSIA / STPM/Advanced Level Exams
  • MÉXICO / Bachillerato
  • NEW ZEALAND / NCEA Level 3
  • NICARAGUA / Bachillerato
  • NIGERIA / WAEC Senior School Certificate
  • NORWAY / Vitnemål fra Videregående Skole
  • PAKISTAN / Higher Secondary Certificate
  • PANAMÁ / Diploma de Educación Media / Bachiller
  • PARAGUAY / Bachillerato (Bachiller en Humanidades y Ciencias)
  • PÉRU / Certificado de Educación Secundaria Común Completa / Bachillerato Academico
  • PHILIPPINES / 12-Year Secondary School Graduation
  • POLAND / Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci liceum ogólnokształcącego
  • ROMANIA / Diploma de Bacalaureat
  • RUSSIAN FEDERATION / Certificate of (complete) General Secondary Education – (Аттестат о среднем (полном) общем образовании)
  • SAUDI ARABIA / General Secondary Education Certificate – (Shahadat Al-Marhalat Al-Thanawiyyat)
  • SCOTLAND / Scottish Qualifications Certificate (SQC) Advanced Higher Grade
  • SINGAPORE / Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced ‘A’ Level Examination (minimum 3 H2 subjects)
  • SOUTH AFRICA / Senior Certificate with Matriculation Endorsement/Exemption
  • SPAIN / Bachillerato/Titulo de Bachiller
  • SRI LANKA / Sri Lankan General Certificate of Education Advanced Level
  • SURINAME / Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs / VWO
  • SWEDEN / Högskoleförberedande Examen
  • SWITZERLAND / Federal Maturity Certificate
  • TAIWAN (REP. OF CHINA) / Senior High School Diploma
  • THAILAND / Certificate of Secondary Education (Matayom VI)
  • TURKEY / Lise Diplomasi
  • UNITED ARAB EMIRATES / Secondary School Leaving Certificate/Shahadat Al-Thanawiya Al- Amma
  • UNITED KINGDOM / GCE A Levels (minimum of 3 academic subjects with C or better)
  • URUGUAY / Bachiller Diversificado de Enseñanza Secundaria
  • VENEZUELA / Bachillerato en Ciencias, Humanidades o Artes
  • VIETNAM / Senior High School Certificate/Bằng Tốt Nghiệp Trung Học Phổ Thông
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