What do I need to know about the testing process?

FAQ » » What do I need to know about the testing process?

Make sure you have the proper identification with you.  Domestic students must have their Drivers License and Logbook endorsement.  International students must have their Passport with VISA, Logbook endorsement, Medical and Pilots License.

You cannot take anything into the testing room with you except your flight calculator (must be reset/cleared before you go into the testing room) and plotter.  You may not bring any electronics including cell phones and computers, pens, watches, hats, scarves, or personal belongings into the room.  You will be provided with two sheets of paper, two pencils, an expo marker and a clear sheet, along with the testing supplement book.

After the test, you will have the opportunity to review the questions you missed.  You will also receive an embossed printout of your test score.  Do not lose or misplace the printout of your test score, as it is the only copy and it in not replaceable.  In order to re-test for the same exam, you must have your embossed previous exam printout with you.

If you have any questions, you may contact Epic Flight Academy at 386-409-5583, extension 341, go to the Proctors office (room 163), or see your flight/ground instructor.

Each written test has a  different time limit and number of questions. See below for specific information:

Tests and Time Limits

PAR – Private Pilot Airplane:  60 Q  2.5 Hrs

IRA – Instrument Rating Airplane: 60 Q 2.5 Hrs

CAX – Commercial Pilot Airplane:   100 Q 3 Hrs

FOI – Fundamentals of Instructing:  50 Q 1.5 Hrs

FIA -Flight Instructor Airplane:  100 Q 2.5 Hrs

FII – Flight Instructor Instrument: 50 Q 2.5 Hrs

AGI – Advanced Ground Instructor: 100 Q 2.5 Hrs

IGI – Instrument Ground Instructor:  50 Q 2.5 Hrs

AMG – Aviation Mechanic General:  60 Q 2 Hrs

AMA – Aviation Mechanic Airframe:  100 Q 2 Hrs

AMP – Aviation Mechanic Powerplant:  100 Q 2 Hrs

SPA – Sport Pilot Airplane:  40 Q 2 Hrs

UAG – Unmanned Aircraft General-Small:  60 Q 2 Hrs

IFP – Instrument Rating Foreign Pilot:  50 Q 2.5 Hrs

FIH – Flight Instructor Instrument Helicopter:  50 Q 2.5 Hrs

HIF – Flight Instrument Helicopter-Added Rating: 20 Q 1 Hr

ATM – Airline Transport Pilot Multi-engine:  125 Q 4 Hrs

ADX – Aircraft Dispatcher: 80 Q 3.5 Hrs

FEX – Flight Engineer Turboject-Basic: 80 Q 3 Hrs


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