Here you will find Epic's dispatch center, pilot shop, weather center, classrooms, briefing rooms, and a student lounge. This building also has public restrooms and a water fountain.
The administration building is where you can find the different departments for our staff. We also have a pilot lounge here, break room, classroom, conference room, briefing rooms, and library. This building also has public restrooms.
Here you will find our parts department and dedicated team of Epic maintenance crew working to ensure we have the safest, most up to date fleet possible. This building also has public restrooms.
Come visit our historic decommissioned DC7 once flown by American Airlines. This impressive piece of retired machinery is available for public viewing, and our students often use it for an outdoor study hall and lunch area.
Epic's Aircraft Mechanic Program is housed across the street from the main campus. Here you'll find classrooms and labs where students earn their Aircraft & Powerplant certifications.