Moira Hedrick - Staff

Moira Hedrick.
Position: Flight Instructor
Joined: December 2023

Moira was exposed to aviation from an early age. Born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and raised a military brat, airports were one of the few constants in her life as she moved around the world. While studying for her bachelor’s degree in international affairs at Transylvania University, she decided to pursue aviation professionally. Since before joining Epic Flight Academy – both as a student and instructor – she has been involved with multiple aviation organizations, including volunteer work for the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. When not thinking about flying, Moira enjoys dabbling in numerous hobbies ranging from hiking to hammock napping. Of these varied pursuits, writing is her favorite. She can most likely be found on her days off in a café with a cup of tea and her laptop, plotting. Moira also cannot be trusted with small talk, as she can and will gush about weather if it is brought up in casual conversation.

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