What will be the visa status? F1/M1? Or… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students What will be the visa status? F1/M1? Or…

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  • #66631

    What will be the visa status? F1/M1? Or something else?
    What are my job opportunities in terms of immigration employment eligibility?


    Hello Saxena,

    We help in processing an M1 visa. We will provide you with the necessary paperwork for your visa and will assist you step by step throughout your process.

    Unfortunately, for international students, we do not guarantee a job placement after completion.

    After your training here at Epic, you will finish with 250-300 flight hours depending on your country’s aviation authority requirements.
    With that amount of time, you will be able to find corporate companies hiring low flight time pilots, that’s one of the ways you can build up your time.
    You can also do time building here at Epic, but we would recommend that you do it while working in your country so you’ll earn while building up your flight hours.

    Also, to work in the United States, you must have one of the following:

    – A Permanent Resident Card (also known as a Green Card)
    – An Employment Authorization Document (work permit)
    – An employment-related visa that allows you to work for a particular employer

    Thank you for using our forum!

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