what is the aircraft and student ratio of… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students what is the aircraft and student ratio of…

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  • #83274
    harshpreet singh

    what is the aircraft and student ratio of your flying school



    We have Cessna 172s, equipped with the G1000 glass cockpit and twin-engine Piper Seminoles/PA-44. https://epicflightacademy.com/epic-fleet/
    Epic Flight Academy is extremely proud of our student-to-instructor ratio. We typically enroll between 200 and 250 students on campus at any given time and employ approximately 70 to 75 flight instructors, many of whom trained right here at Epic. This means we keep our student-to-instructor ration at approximately 3 or 4 students per instructor ensuring a high degree of personalized instruction.

    Thank you!

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