Hi! 1.)How can I be assured of my… - Forum Topic

Epic Flight Academy Forums International Flight School Students Hi! 1.)How can I be assured of my…

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    1.)How can I be assured of my job as a CFI in your school?
    2.) I will need information regarding housing and the cost for it while I will be undergoing for my initial training.
    3.) Does this academy help in getting ATPL if I want it upon my completion of 1500 hours?
    4.) Assuming that I accumulate 1500 hours working as a flight instructor how will this academy help me in getting to the airlines via any airline partnership program, and can I, who is currently a non-US citizen work at an airline in the US? How will it help if I choose some other country in Asia or Europe to work as pilot?
    5.) I also require information concerning financing options I can have as a non-US citizen.
    6.) There is this one flight school that mentions that you cannot be hired as an airline pilot in the US if you are not a US citizen and there is a very laborious process if you want unrestricted working rights. Can you briefly explain how that would work if I choose a US airline after graduating from your school?

    For now this is pretty much all I want to know. Thank you for your time!


    Hello Mujtaba,

    1.)How can I be assured of my job as a CFI in your school?
    – We do offer flight instructor course however, we can’t guarantee a flight instructor job.

    2.) I will need information regarding housing and the cost for it while I will be undergoing for my initial training.
    – We have housing just 10 minutes away from the campus. Accommodation is $800 per month for a shared room with free transportation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1tN2_FdLiw

    3.) Does this academy help in getting ATPL if I want it upon my completion of 1500 hours?
    – For international students, we can train from zero experience to CPL.

    4.) Assuming that I accumulate 1500 hours working as a flight instructor how will this academy help me in getting to the airlines via any airline partnership program, and can I, who is currently a non-US citizen work at an airline in the US? How will it help if I choose some other country in Asia or Europe to work as pilot?
    – Hiring is ultimately up to the efforts of the individual. Many Epic students from outside of the US will return to their home country to seek employment once they have completed their pilot training at Epic Flight Academy. Every airline has its own set of hiring requirements, and we encourage our students to review a particular airline’s hiring requirements before applying for a First Officer or Captain position.

    Here is an article on hiring requirements for airlines around the world: https://epicflightacademy.com/commercial-airline-hiring-requirements/

    5.) I also require information concerning financing options I can have as a non-US citizen.
    – Unfortunately, scholarships and financing are not available for international students at this time. But we do have a section with suggestions to help you secure funding for attending Epic Flight Academy. Please check here: https://epicflightacademy.com/flight-school-financing-international/

    6.) There is this one flight school that mentions that you cannot be hired as an airline pilot in the US if you are not a US citizen and there is a very laborious process if you want unrestricted working rights. Can you briefly explain how that would work if I choose a US airline after graduating from your school?
    – Earning a CPL at Epic Flight Academy does not automatically grant someone the authority to work in the United States.

    To work in the United States, you must have one of the following:

    – A Permanent Resident Card (also known as a Green Card)
    – An Employment Authorization Document (work permit)
    – An employment-related visa which allows you to work for a particular employer

    Thank you for using our forum!

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